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Anhui strategic development of the concept of leading industry
Views:  Addtime:2017-05-23
At present, China's economy is in a period of adjustment, but also the future of the strategic planning of the critical period leading industry. Efforts to cultivate and develop strategic leading industry, provinces and regions to become the focus of economic competitiveness. Judging from the current situation, are most likely to become the strategic leader in the industry in Anhui are: solar energy products to the new energy industries, environmental protection equipment manufacturers as the main body of the environmental protection industry to CNC machine tools as the main body of the CNC technology and equipment manufacturing and creative industries. This is a huge market space for a few industries, the industrial chain length, related products, and a strong driving force, is in a growth stage, when intervention will help to grasp the opportunities of industrial development. 

Energy industry. The United States in response to financial crisis, the Government's new energy Obama's concern, can be initiated by the Clinton administration when the Internet technology revolution mentioned in the same breath. Into this century, China's new energy industry in the photovoltaic industry to enter the phase of rapid development, especially since 2003, in the world market under a strong pull to the extraordinary pace. China's photovoltaic industry is expected by 2012 sales will reach more than 1 trillion yuan, a bright future. The development of photovoltaic industry, our province has the resources, have a certain basis in reality. At present the need to strengthen the Government lose no time in formulating effective policies and measures, focus on integration of existing infrastructure and resources, to create areas of photovoltaic industries. 

The environmental protection industry. The environmental protection industry in the 21st century a new economic growth point. Global market size of the environmental protection industry in 1992 from 250 billion U.S. dollars in 2007 to 600 billion U.S. dollars, with an average annual growth rate of 8%, far exceeding the growth rate of the global economy, all countries attach great importance to become a "sunrise industry." At present, China's environmental protection industry has had the larger size, sales break 1 trillion yuan. Is expected over the next few years the environmental protection industry in China will remain around 20 percent growth in 2012 will reach more than 2 trillion yuan of sales income. The smaller the environmental protection industry in our province, started late, we should focus on environmentally friendly products aimed to speed up the pace of development. Main solid waste processing equipment, noise and vibration control equipment, monitoring instrumentation, environmental protection, pharmaceutical and materials, as well as ancillary products such as production. 

Numerical control technology and equipment industry. Numerical control technology and equipment is the industry "machine", is a measure of a country an important indicator of overall strength. 2008, China's sales of CNC lathes more than 80,000 units, machining centers close to 25,000 units, industry sales of close to 250 billion yuan. Although the total amount of China-made CNC machine tools to increase rapidly, but market share is not high. NC current rate of about 20% in developed countries and 70-80% of the level of the gap between large and has to rely largely on the use of imported equipment. Numerical control technology and equipment industry with broad prospects for development have become the focus of the advanced provinces and regions to support industry. At present, our province of CNC technology and equipment industry sales of only 50 billion in 2011 is expected to reach 90 billion yuan, and Liaoning, Shandong, Shaanxi Province, machine tool large compared to the larger gap. According to Anhui Province, by sticking its advantages, features and has been growing for the selective principle, you can rely on our province automobile, engineering machinery, electrical appliances, heavy-duty mining machinery, transportation machinery, agricultural machinery and other industries, bigger and stronger numerical control technology and equipment industry. 

Creative industries. Rich and creative industries, the developed countries, new economic growth points. At present, Shanghai, Hunan, Guangdong and other provinces and cities in their development of creative industries as a growth point. To cope with the international financial crisis in key industries to be nurtured and developed. Province in the scientific, technological, cultural resources, have obvious advantages, has a certain basis and conditions. At present, the province should be based in Hefei, Wuhu two national animation industry base, set animation to create creative, research and development production, personnel training, derivative products, such as the production and circulation of a full-featured industrial centers. Focus on the development of network of value-added services, industrial design, architectural design, film and television production and other key areas of audio and video, animation industry bigger and stronger. Relying on Hefei Software Park, to develop embedded software, industrial control software, network software and applications in key industries as well as software outsourcing business. 

Food processing industry. Anhui can be counter-cyclical efforts to revitalize the food industry to develop safe food. China's food industry is safe to start a revolution. In our province can make use of their comparative advantages, lost no time in the development of safe food industry. The development of safe food industry can not only strengthen economic growth spot, so that our province in the economic cyclical fluctuations in a relatively advantageous position, but also conducive to the economic development of the next round to seize the initiative. Development and take the food industry, with the establishment of cities in China Wanjiang safe food production and processing base. Research on food processing safety standards, choice of related businesses, creating brands, bigger and stronger safety of the food processing industry in our province. 

Leader for the development of strategic industries, and foster new economic growth point, the need to guide enterprises to baotuanand mergers and acquisitions, business development and expansion of a number of advantages. First, enterprises should focus on promoting enterprise mergers and reorganizations. Take full advantage of the closure of the current market mechanisms and opportunities for national policy to rely on the backbone of enterprises, encourage and guide the automobile, iron and steel, non-ferrous metals, household appliances, building materials in areas such as the advantages of M & A restructuring of key enterprises to increase and expand production scale and improve economies of scale, further enlarge and strengthen. The active support of Magang, Tongling Nonferrous advantages, such as foreign investment enterprises to develop mineral resources, improve the level of protection of resources. Excellent assets to support the main business of the enterprises listed as a whole. Second, focus on target customers, and form alliances. To address the financial crisis, the need to strengthen alliances. Our province is the energy and raw materials, a large province, but also intermediate goods and investment goods-producing provinces, the upstream and downstream enterprises to strengthen the joint enterprise, through the development of downstream businesses baotuan, stable sales channels and market share. Small and medium-sized, external borrowing can be more large enterprises and the image of the brand, the division of their collaboration at home. Third, focusing on product development, strengthen innovation and cooperation. Province can take the lead in the automotive industry led the establishment of enterprises, peer companies and experts to participate in the self-innovation platform, the formation of industrial innovation Union. As a model, extended to other industries. Focusing on electronic information, new materials, new energy, energy saving and environmental protection, public safety and other new industries, strengthening the new products, new technology development, strengthening of research, government and enterprises, between enterprises, between industry innovations.