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Tongling City, Anhui Province and strive to open a resource-based cities in transition road
Views:  Addtime:2017-05-23
     Tongling City, the State Council officially approved the second batch of national resource-based cities pilot city in transition. In order to do experimental work, Tongling City party committee and government activities in the study and practice the "how to achieve resource-based cities in transition" as the most in need of crack problems, the most need to achieve the goal, focus on economic restructuring, institutional transition and excellent environment , and strive to open up a unique resource with Tongling city in transition road. 

     The development of recycling economy, efforts to speed up economic restructuring 

     Seizing the circular economy "double-pilot" strategic opportunities, and projects do a good job in building the park "2" article. 

     First, optimize the "one-two districts Garden" layout. Highlight the functions of strengthening the industrial clustering, and further optimize the Riverside Park Industrial test of circular economy, Wang Hong Kong Circular Economy Industrial Demonstration Zone and agricultural experimental zones of circular economy planning. Among them, the Riverside Park Industrial test of circular economy planning area of 28 square kilometers, divided into metallurgical chemical industry, textile printing and dyeing, copper extension of industry, four major functions of integrated services, infrastructure has been completed 1.4 billion investment, to join in the project agreement more than 20 billion yuan investment. Wang Hong Kong model of circular economy industrial area of 22 square kilometers area planning, planning is now through expert assessment of the preparatory work is being carried out intensively. Of circular economy pilot agricultural planning area of about 29 square kilometers, construction of green planting, ecological farming, processing of agricultural products, farmers Village, ecological protection and leisure tourism in six functional areas, the construction of infrastructure has now been completed and 75 million yuan investment. 

     Second, pay attention to the project "link" type of development. In recent years, the city had been arranged for 59 key projects recycling economy, a total investment of 160 billion, has built a non-ferrous copper anode slime comprehensive utilization of resources, comprehensive utilization of copper and other Phosphogypsum 11 total investment of more than 2.06 billion yuan of the cycle Economic key construction projects, some items are already pre-production stage. Funding for the project on policy, non-ferrous metals holding company, a coal-fired industrial boiler (kiln) Energy Saving, copper flash smelting furnace from the heat melting the transformation, the electrical system, energy-saving projects, Tongling Cement on pure low temperature waste heat peak power generation, Tongling Conch pure low temperature waste heat power engineering, energy industry Worldbest Ma system optimization projects, Yi Yuan annual Electric Light Source LED fluorescent 1,000,000 industrialization projects and other projects included in national resource conservation and environmental protection projects financial incentives, financial incentives by the national energy-saving capital more than 5000 million ; Tongling Conch Cement pure peak and the low-temperature waste heat for power generation, and the rule of copper sulfate crown cogeneration projects through the National Development and Reform Commission has also CDM project review, the total receipts will reach more than 4800 million; Jinchan Mining (S, Kim , iron) projects included in the comprehensive utilization of resources by the end of 2008 the new national resource conservation and environmental protection projects, a new 7.3 million yuan investment in the central budget; Blue Cross Blue Shield of optoelectronic instruments for environmental monitoring and management system, such as six projects have been 3.86 million above the provincial level in support of recycling economy, science and technology funds. At the same time, reported a number of key projects recycling economy financial support for national projects, including sewage treatment works Xinmin and two north of the city sewage treatment plant projects will be included in the central budget in 2009 investment plan, a total of 16 million yuan of funds. 

     Deepen the reform efforts to achieve institutional transformation 

     Focus on resource-based cities in transition to strengthen the institutional vitality and impetus to the development, highlighting the "two perfect two-building." 

     First, improve the investment and financing system. The formation of the Municipal Construction Investment Holding (Group) Company Limited and Industrial Investment Holding (Group) Co., Ltd., to explore the establishment of "borrowing, using, but also a" virtuous circle mechanism, and preserve and increase the value of the management system. To operate in the province took the lead in "financial supermarkets", variable annual docking bank cooperation activities once a month, "Financial Services Day" activities, the creation of specialized services, organizations, financial institutions focus on office, direct services for SMEs. Since the start-up since the financial supermarket, a total of more than 1500 corporate participants, nearly 5,000 participants, all types of loan agreements were signed, 2.988 billion yuan. In addition, to explore through the enterprise market, the issuance of bonds, such as finance, investment company is currently 1.5 billion city bond prices was officially launched in March this year. 

     Second is to improve the administrative system. Around the changing functions, straightening out relations, in the province took the lead in the smooth implementation of the administrative management system, the initial formation of the organic unity of the major functions of the institutional sector. Further promote the strategic adjustment of state-owned economy in the reform of state-owned enterprises on the property rights system for a breakthrough. 

     Third, the compensation mechanism for the establishment of resource development. The establishment of resource-based sustainable development of urban reserve, devoted to environmental restoration and eco-compensation, the development of alternative industries continue to address business problems left over by history and the aftermath of the closure of enterprises, and so on. Fourth, the establishment of a long-term mechanism to protect the ecology. Focus on environmental and ecological construction of the establishment of incentive mechanisms, objectives and assessment mechanisms, such as ecological compensation system. 

     Enhance the city image, and focus on the promotion of better environment 

     Adhere to the Old City building renovation and Metro simultaneously, further optimize the urban layout, urban functions. 

     First, to optimize the layout of urban space. In accordance with the "one city, three districts, one the main two" positioning of urban development, solid progress and eastern parts of the West Lake District, south of the new urban planning and construction started. At present, the Lake District has a comprehensive road network construction; Road overpass has been opened, the West Lake overpass, the new Railway Station and Station Square and other key projects can be completed before and after National Day. 

     The second is to speed up infrastructure construction. Vice City speed up the main urban Area, the development zone between the fast-track construction, to increase the central area of the city branch, sub-trunk road building, optimizing the structure of urban road network. Promote the City Road, and other cities along the new Outer Ring Road-building, started the construction of the West Lake Overpass, Overpass Road key control works. The city of more than 1400 million financial investment, construction or rehabilitation of rural water conservancy, power grids, communications infrastructure, urban and rural infrastructure to achieve the "three-two extension of the coverage focused on two", that is, transport, water supply and gas supply extended to the village center for the electricity and telecommunications coverage in every village, to focus on sewage and garbage. 

     The third is to strengthen the construction of ecological civilization. To carry out the abandoned mines, mine tailings closure land reclamation, the implementation of mined-out areas, subsidence areas, dump and open pit mining the ecological environment management. Around the implementation of the Platform for Action of circular economy, and effectively improve access to the new threshold of environmental protection projects, to promote cleaner production audit strong, vigorously promote energy-saving emission reduction, deepening the comprehensive treatment of environmental pollution, strengthen resource conservation and comprehensive utilization. Conscientiously implement the eco-city planning, and actively guide the development of eco-economy, continued to promote the eco-village and township and village construction, home building should be advised to, they are advised of the eco-tours are the new copper.